Tag: English

Bíða spenntar eftir Hrekkjavöku / Waiting excitedly for Halloween

Þessar tvær sitja spenntar í Helvíti og geta ekki beðið þess að skil milli þeirra handanheims og okkar heims gliðni svo þær geti komist í gegn og skemmt sér að okkur þótt ekki sé það nema eitt kvöld. Ef fólk vill síður hitta þær stöllur þá ætla þær að vera…

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The fright of picture-making AI

Using AI to make pictures is a hot topic today, and mostly I hear negative voices with a tone of fright underneath. People ask, where will this end? Will it be possible to fack every picture? Will it lead us to the point that we can’t know when a press…

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The girl with a light inside

Picture from a graphic novel in making “The girl with a light inside” is just one picture from a graphic novel I’m working on in Mid Journey. Currently, I’m only posting one picture because I don’t want to give up too much info about the story, but I think this…

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Dance to Kovacs Mama & Papa / Dansað við Mama & Papa með Kovacs

When the brain and thinking come back after two years of Sleeping Beauty sleep, the fog begins to thin, and slowly the picture of life sharpens and comes into focus; the lessons of that two years’ time begin as long as you are, and you intend to learn from it….

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Stríð var háð í mínu lunga/There was a war going on in my lungs

Stríð var háð í mínu lunga. Þar sem biljónir ofan á biljónir baktería læstar inni í tennisboltastórum slímbolta háðu kafbátastríð í vökva og slímhafi í þrjá mánuði. Bakteríuherinn neitaði að gefast upp. En þeir töpuðu. Her hvítu blóðkornanna vann þessa orustu, að minnsta kosti í þetta skiptið, án mikilla skemmda…

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